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The Legend of La Llorona 2022

While vacationing in Mexico, a couple discovers their son's disappearance is tied to a supernatural curse.
3.2/10 IMDb
Horror,Thriller This version is worse than the one in the theaters from 2019. Compared to this one, that one is a masterpiece. A 6.5 at best for the 2019 version. The movie is a low budget effort with almost no serious special effects. Half the time the Llorona is a white robe moving in the water here and there. The side story of a couple having lost a child feels forced and fake. The writing is uninspired and the scenes seldom interesting. No scary jump scares. I suspected it was going to be a sad effort when I saw my boy Machete was in the movie. He actually is in it until the end. I have a soft spot for home boy but his movies seldom win oscars. The only part I like is the credits song La llorona by Carmen Goett. Great song. Crying shame. The actors actually were decent too. But had no serious material to work with.